Ugh. Good luck guys listening to my shrill voice. I’ve been sitting on this podcast for a while; wanted to spare you. The conspiracy theories are flying. Why do I mention fish injected strawberries? Oh because mom mentioned it earlier as a cause of my skin rash. Wha? Yeah we're both nuts.
Socialist society, aphid infested squash, radiation treated tomatoes, tasted tasteless tomatoes; say that three times. Those are just some of the gems you’ll be listening to throughout the 27:36 minute podcast. Burpee you owe me seeds. Who do you think dropped your name to the AP writer for said AP article? Hollah!
Special thanks to Rey. He saved me from boring you to tears. Well, I still may bore you. No promises. Thanks to H for chiming in from time to time and putting up with listening to my rants yet again. I promise to wrangle in my ADD for the next podcast and play more songs in between my rambling. Without further a do:
11 years ago
The podcast was great!! I really enjoyed it. Where do you buy your NZ clover? I suck at fertilizing and I think I'd like to start using your solution.
I am soooo behind in reading blogs that I just now saw this. How come you didn't email me and tell me that you made an awesome podcast?!
Finally had a chance to listen to your podcast. Super cute, thanks for making it. Love that you opened with X.
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