I recently acquired a New West Knife Works Chef 8” knife and I haven’t had a chance to use it. I must have felt inspired this morning because at 7:30am I started to chiffonade rainbow chard. I’m a tad embarrassed to say that the chard had been sitting in the fridge for a couple of weeks. I don’t want to hawk a bunch of goods but let's just say I use a certain as seen on TV produce bag and well, it works!
On to the food, b*tchin Not Tuna (I think it should be called Nut Tuna) that Judita taught at her Raw Food 101 class, homemade sprouts, avocado, jalapeno-stuffed olives, on top a bed of rainbow chard tossed in lemon and a smidge of EVOO. Did I just say that? Let's eat!
*Rainbow chard (not pictured but it's pretty, trust me), celery and Rossa Lunga di Firenze onion from the garden.
Oh, that sounds FABULOUS!
Thank you, green bags! hah. I forget to eat my greens sometimes too!
Looks awesome! What's in the Not/Nut Tuna?
I'm gonna be growing chard -- hopefully it'll "keep" in the pot until I'm ready to harvest and eat -- whether it's a couple weeks or more --
Thanks for the gardening encouragement on my blog :) I tagged you in a meme to see what you're doing for earth month :) There are prizes involved -- Hope you'll join in :)
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